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Subject Areas of Oxford Dictionary

By agussodagar - Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

  • Sebagian Artikel Berita Foto Video ini berasal dari berbagai sumber yang ada di internet .
  • Hak cipta Artikel,berita,foto,video menjadi milik sumber berita ,artikel,video,foto dan materi terkait.
  • tidak ada maksud untuk membajak hak cipta karya manapun.
  • Artikel,berita,foto,video materi semata mata hanya untuk documentasi , selanjutnya untuk di manfaatkan sebagai media berbagi informasi dan silaturrahmi.
  • Segala metari hanya untuk pembelajaran guna menanamkan suka baca dan tulis .
  • Jika ada yang tidak berkenan tulisanya di tampilkan di , kami harap untuk melapor kepada admin, kami tidak keberatan untuk menghapus materi tersebut.
  •  Jika materi ini bermanfaat , saran kami jangan lupa memberi konstribusi kepada sumber materi terkait.
  • Bila ada materi yang tidak di sebutkan sumbernya , kami mohon maaf.
Demikian pengumuman singkat terkait materi yang ada di dan atas perhatianya kami ucapkan terimakasih, dan selamat membaca.
 5 Subject Areas
    The subject areas in parentheses at the end of the headword section of
    each entry indicate the broad subject field to which the headword relates.
    The subject areas used are:
    Drugs          words to do with drug use and abuse
    Environment    words to do with conservation, the environment, and green
    Business World words to do with work, commerce, finance, and marketing
    Health and Fitness                   words to do with conventional and complementary medicine,
                   personal fitness, exercise, and diet
    Lifestyle and Leisure
                   words to do with homes and interiors, fashion, the media,
                   entertainment, food and drink, and leisure activities in
    Music          words to do with music of all kinds (combined with Youth
                   Culture in entries concerned with pop and rock music)
    Politics       words to do with political events and issues at home and
    People and Society
                   words to do with social groupings and words for people with
                   particular characteristics; social issues, education, and
    Science and Technology
                   words to do with any branch of science in the public eye;
                   technical jargon that has entered the popular vocabulary
    War and Weaponry
                   words to do with the arms race or armed conflicts that have
                   been in the news
    Youth Culture  words which have entered the general vocabulary through
                   their use among young people
 CONTENTS Table of Contents
  Title Page    TITLE
  Edition Notice    EDITION
  Notices    NOTICES
  Preface    PREFACE
  Acknowledgements    PREFACE.1
  How to Use this Dictionary    HOWTO

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