(Science and Technology) see anti-lock
By agussodagar - Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012
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abuse noun (Drugs) (People and Society)
Illegal or excessive use of a drug; the misuse of any substance,
especially for its stimulant effects.
In the context of human relationships, physical (especially
sexual) maltreatment of another person.
Etymology: These are not so much new senses of the word as
specializations of context; abuse has meant 'wrong or improper
use, misapplication, perversion' since the sixteenth century,
but in the second half of the twentieth century has been used so
often in the two contexts mentioned above that this is becoming
the dominant use.
History and Usage: Abuse was first used in relation to drugs
in the early sixties; by the seventies it was usual for it to be
the second element in compounds such as alcohol abuse, drug
abuse, and solvent abuse, and soon afterwards with a human
object as the first word: see child abuse. Interestingly it is
not idiomatic to form similar compounds for other types of abuse
in its traditional sense: the abuse of power rather than 'power
abuse', for example. This is one way in which the language
continues to differentiate the traditional use from the more
specialized one, although there have been some recent exceptions
(a tennis player who throws his racquet about in anger or
frustration can now be cautioned for racquet abuse, for
This is a setback for the campaign against increasing
heroin abuse among the young in all parts of the
Sunday Times 9 Dec. 1984, p. 3
Just over 30 per cent of the girls questioned said they
had tried solvent abuse.
Daily Express 20 Aug. 1986, p. 2
Asked why she continued diagnosing abuse after three
appeals from other agencies to stop because they could
not cope, she replied: 'With hindsight, at the time we
were trying to do our best for them. In the event, with
some children, we were sadly unable to do that.'
Guardian 14 July 1989, p. 2
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