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By Jasa Iklan - Rabu, 19 September 2012

  • Sebagian Artikel Berita Foto Video ini berasal dari berbagai sumber yang ada di internet .
  • Hak cipta Artikel,berita,foto,video menjadi milik sumber berita ,artikel,video,foto dan materi terkait.
  • tidak ada maksud untuk membajak hak cipta karya manapun.
  • Artikel,berita,foto,video materi semata mata hanya untuk documentasi , selanjutnya untuk di manfaatkan sebagai media berbagi informasi dan silaturrahmi.
  • Segala metari hanya untuk pembelajaran guna menanamkan suka baca dan tulis .
  • Jika ada yang tidak berkenan tulisanya di tampilkan di , kami harap untuk melapor kepada admin, kami tidak keberatan untuk menghapus materi tersebut.
  •  Jika materi ini bermanfaat , saran kami jangan lupa memberi konstribusi kepada sumber materi terkait.
  • Bila ada materi yang tidak di sebutkan sumbernya , kami mohon maaf.
    Demikian pengumuman singkat terkait materi yang ada di dan atas perhatianya kami ucapkan terimakasih, dan selamat membaca.

    We adjourned to the back of the car and sumo wrestled into an
    uncomfortably exciting position across the leather. The thin straps of Carol’s
    silk dress fell away and I circled her white orbs with hot lips and poetic
    sighs, while she quietly inspected my credentials with a languid, vermilion
    tipped hand. Patiently, I wandered along the perfumed curves of her
    trunk, until her legs divided around me and my tongue licked rapturously
    along the lacy top of her right stocking. With a husky voice she gasped,
    “Wake up, you lazy pig!” she screamed from the kitchen.
    I would probably have woken up anyway because the neighbours had left
    their halogen security light trained on our bedroom window again, like a
    Colditz searchlight probing around for unauthorised activity across the
    compound. There was certainly a din going on downstairs, and this turned
    out to be a dropped bowl of corn flakes on the lounge carpet, followed
    by loud recriminations and protracted sobbing. I hated great shows of
    emotion, and yet this seemed to be the primary method of communication
    in our house, as people swung freely from delirious mirth to cold silence
    without a second thought, or probably a first.
    “Will you please eat your breakfast!” my wife implored.
    “It’s my turn on the piano!” my youngest answered.
    “….grandmother strangled in her own home…” contributed the man on
    “Where’s Dad?” said my eldest, followed by the sound of scampering
    footsteps coming up the stairs, and what sounded like a mumbled insult
    from my spouse in the background.
    “Crash!” went the door as it bounced off the wall, and I received a loving
    hug, followed by a garrulous report of current domestic disputes downstairs.
    “Okay petal, I’ll be down in a minute” I said, trying to gather my wits
    together, as my sinuses tightened their hold on my forehead, and my
    rumbling bowels notified me of their overnight load. With little option, I
    swung my spindly legs over the side of the bed, inadvertently broke wind,
    and spotted the old ‘Triang’ toy crane sat on top of the wardrobe; its
    black bucket hanging over the side like a man on the gallows.
    Yawn, belch, fart.

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