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Author’s Note

By Jasa Iklan - Rabu, 19 September 2012

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    Although this book is based on the author’s experiences as a psychiatric
    nurse, it is a fictional account. The characters and situations which appear
    in the work are synthesised from a large number of observations made
    during a twelve year clinical career. The author makes no attempt to
    factually report the actions of any particular person (living or dead), or to
    factually represent the structure and processes of any particular mental
    health unit. Similarity is therefore co-incidental.
    The author acknowledges that the challenging assertions made in this
    book are based on his personal views and subjective experience, rather
    than the objective truth. He recognises that the background events which
    inspired this novel, as well as the fictional world created, may not be
    typical of mental health units around the U.K.
    He also acknowledges the serious nature of mental disorder itself, and
    accepts that satire may be considered a strange form of analysis. But for
    those who have worked through the tragedies and comedies of a psychiatric
    setting, the choice may be easier to understand . They will have learnt
    that people often overlook significant issues until they are uncomfortably
    Above all, the author asserts his right to express an honest opinion on
    matters of public interest.
    I wandered along to the bathroom in a grateful daze, and locked the door
    behind me. Hot water soon filled the tub, and a wan face gazed crookedly
    back from the chrome taps. My mind was made up and very still; but first
    it opened windows.
    Some enlightened citizens once asked the birds to build a
    wonderful walled city in the air. In this place, a person could be
    removed from the evils of society, and made safe from the wrath
    of the Gods. The city was called Nephelokokkygia.
    Cloud Cuckoo Land
    A Play by Aristophanes 414 B.C.

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